15 Minute Kitchen-Sink Soup

This quick and easy recipe is a staple for weeknights where there isn't enough time to prepare a full meal. It can be a great template to have as it is completely customizable and you are able to use whatever you have on hand or any vegetable and protein that you prefer. This recipe was made by our friend Tracey from Whole Daily Life.


  • 1½ cups Bonafide Provisions bone broth
  • 1 cup chopped veg. Like carrot, celery, onion, or garlic
  • ½-1 cup cooked starchy veg. Like potato, yam or winter squash
  • Handful of chopped greens. Like spinach, chard, or kale
  • About 3 oz protein. Like shredded chicken or ground meat
  • Garnish with avocado, sauerkraut, fresh herbs, or green onion


  1. Start by boiling the raw veggies in the bone broth for several minutes until they reach desired softness
  2. Then add in the protein, starchy veg, and greens to warm. 
  3. Season with salt to taste, garnish and serve! 
  4. Note: If I have raw starchy veg and cooked other veggies, just swap the order. 

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“I started drinking bone broth a few years back when I was desperate to get my health back in order. It’s now a staple in our home… On the weeks where I am feeling a little less inclined to make my own, I really enjoy @bonafideprovisions.”

— Krista Happ @KristaHapp